Sunday, October 26, 2014

The 13th Amendment

     The 13th Amendment was greater by Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. There were many difficulties that were involved with the proposal and the ratification of the 13th Amendment. Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all people held as slaves, shall be free. It only applied to states designated as being in rebellion. It did not apply to slave-holding border states. Lincoln had enlisted a group to promise jobs to the lame duck politicians if they voted for the amendment. Lincoln was not ethical because he bought votes and lied about peace talks. Lincoln believed the amendment was so important because he believed that by abolishing slavery, it would in a way create peace because Confederacy would have nothing to fight for. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Bill of Rights Memes

This meme I created refers to the Eighth Amendment. This amendment states that there shall be no cruel and unusual punishment. It also states that there is no unreasonable bail. 

The Sixth Amendment has many rights included in it, my meme is implying the right to jury by peers. The other rights that are included are the right to, speedy trial, face accusers, and to hire a lawyer. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014


       In the episode Petoria of Family Guy, Peter forms his own government. Petoria is an Oligarchy, which is defined as a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. Since Peter had formed his own government, he was not forced to follow any of the laws the people of the U.S had to follow, which led to his family having more freedom. Another benefit that Peter enjoys as his own nations was that he could commit and get away with any crime that he wanted. One consequence the Griffins suffered by not having a Federal Government was that they had no electricity. Lois ended up having to home school her children because they weren't allowed to attend public schools. The Griffins couldn't even leave their house because the American Government surrounded their home with weapons.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Articles of Confederation Failure

      The Articles of Confederation were the written documents that established the actions of the government of the United States after they had declared independence from Great Britain. There were many reasons as to why the Articles of Confederation failed. These articles had given immoderate powers to the State Governments, which lead to an imbalance of power throughout the country. Also, the states had all rights to pass or enact their own laws and rules. The United States was unable to pay it's debts because congress could not tax the people and depend on money from the states. One last reason the Articles of Confederation was a failure, was that the states had a surplus of power while the national government was weak.