Sunday, September 7, 2014

No Government??

       A government is defined as a system of polity in a state that forms fundamental rules/principles that a nation/state is governed. It sets policies through laws, customs and institutions. 
       The government can be classified into a few different types. Democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, republic, and aristocracy are a few examples. A democracy is a system of a government by the whole population or all the eligible members of the state. Monarchy is a form of government with a monarch at the head. A dictatorship is a country governed by a dictator. Republic is a state in while supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. The last one is an aristocracy, which is a form of government in which power is held by the nobility. 
       A life without a government would be chaotic. Laws and authorities would not be found. Crime would increase drastically because there would be no police and no armies. No police means no jail, and no jail means criminals would go unpunished. Without government people would not be able to receive a proper education. Without an education, people would not be able to survive or get a decent job. 
       I think humans organized governing bodies because if they didn't, there would be no foundation for living. We wouldn't have schools to get a proper education, health care, insurance, and security to keep the people safe. 


  1. I like how you started off by saying what a government is and I like all the facts you stated and how they tie together what it would be like if we didn't have a government. I agree that it'd be chaotic and unsafe.

  2. I like your closing paragraph. The government gave us the foundation we need to be the working society we have today.

  3. I actually really enjoy how you ordered youres specifically starting off with the definition of what government is . It gives a good foundation
